Monday, July 12, 2010


Hey everyone!

In the holidays I saw a very interesting documentary on the Lambayeque people of Peru. These people built over two hundred pyramids and burned and abandoned at least three major cities.

For those of you wishing to so a mesoamerican society, the Lambayeque could be an interestingly different topic than what others in the class are doing. Towards the end of their society, they did have an Inca governor however the Lambayeque Valley lay untouched by the Spaniards. A temple of the Lambayeque was found to be located near numerous grave sites that indicate human sacrifice so it could be a very interesting assignment topic.

I'm pretty sure I want to study a site in Ancient Russia so I hope that at least someone will do this site.

(Those random looking mounds are what remains of the Lambayeque pyramids.)


1 comment:

  1. Glad you posted this. I had not heard of this culture. Remind people when we get to the library that this is an option for Meso-American cultures
