Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Indiana Jones....again

Last night on Channel 7 was a story about the Ark of the Covenant - a holy relic from the time of Moses. It is believed to be kept in Ethiopia...... an intrepid Aussie celebrity went to see if he could find it!

The link is below. The story is the World's Greatest Treasure - there is a video of the story.

shepherd or shaman?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

love in the ancient world?!

Caitlin has posted some interesting information about what we were talking about in class on Friday. Check the comment below the "welcome" message I posted.

There is a book in the library "Love in the Ancient World" - it might be worth a read?

Were Antony and Cleo really lovers? What about Cleo and Julius Caesar?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

footage of relocation

Abu Simbel

I have attached some sites about Abu Simbel that we discussed yesterday. One of them is from UNESCO - United Nations office for Education, Science and Culture. Use the tabs to check out the gallery as well as other information.